The 36th DFC magazine issue presents the most important messages conveyed at the DFC 365 2021 Conference, which was organized on September 16 in Podgorica. Besides the messages from the Conference, the Magazine integrally presents the remarks of the U.S. Ambassador Judy Rising Reinke. Also, the next issue brings the summarized version of the recently published DFC study titled Russia’s Role in the Balkans: The Case of Montenegro, as well as legal acts and regulations and implications surrounding the announced population census in Montenegro.
After 36 issues and numerous most pressing topics addressed in DFC magazine, we decided to step outside the journalism framework and enter a new phase of studious research and analysis of events/phenomena marking the Montenegrin social and political reality. We decided to take this step forward after having realized that journalism space and timeframes confine us to carry out an important stage – the comprehensive research and analytical work, in order for the big political and strategic topics to be researched, analyzed, and prepared for the presentation to experts and the media. Therefore, read us in some new form.
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