
Russian Special Forces in Political Games in the Balkans
Annual reports from the State Department, the EU, and non-governmental organizations across Europe show a wide range of techniques that...
The Activities of pro-Serbian and pro-Russian Platforms in Montenegro
  In the latest study by the Digital Forensic Center titled Unbreakable Bonds or Geopolitical Strategy: Influence of Serbia...
Hybrid Tactics and Geopolitical Goals
In response to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the member states of the European Union (EU) expelled over 550 Russian...
Influence Campaigns: Attempts to Shape Montenegro’s Domestic and Foreign Policy
Montenegro and its society are facing a rapid expansion of policies and ideas that directly oppose Montenegro’s strategic orientation. Numerous...
Virtual Manipulators: Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior on Social Media
In the context of dynamic socio-political events, social media has become arenas where ideological conflicts and political debates unfold. In...
Vectors of soft power: Paths of invisible influence
The DFC study Unbreakable Bonds or Geopolitical Strategy tackles the socio-political engagement of Vladimir Božović, former president of the Matica...
European Dream or Russian Reality
Although Russian diplomatic activities have been almost nonexistent in the European Union (EU) countries since the beginning of the war...
New Perspectives of Montenegrin Diplomacy
The new study of the Digital Forensic Center Unbreakable Bonds or Geopolitical Strategy: Influence of Serbia in Montenegro vividly illustrates,...
Sudden Death Syndrome
The death of the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny reverberated around the world. Navalny was the most outspoken critic of...
The Two-Year Anniversary of the Russian Aggression on Ukraine
Entering the third year of Russian aggression on Ukraine, in parallel with Russian military efforts to capture Avdiivka, marks the...
Tabloidization of tragedies
On 26 January 2023, in Podgorica, a family tragedy occurred when a retired police officer killed his wife and son...
Facebook bots: manipulation and politics
The online world has become a key platform of political confrontation in Montenegro. Social media enables political parties and activists...