During the previous days, several disinformation related to the war in Ukraine appeared in the Montenegrin media, as well as on social networks.
On April 3, 2022, a photo montage of a photo from a rally in support of Ukraine in Cetinje appeared on social networks Twitter and Facebook. In the image from the rally, a Nazi symbol was added to the flag of Ukraine by photomontage. In this way, certain individuals aimed further to polarize society in an already tense socio-political situation and discredit the rallies in support of Ukraine, which are held every day in Cetinje.
New disinformation appeared in the media on Sunday evening. Serbian media Danas published a text stating that the Russian Patriarch Kirill, in a speech after the liturgy, in the Main Temple of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, said that Ukraine must once be destroyed like the Nazi Reich. Russian Patriarch Kirill did not call for the destruction of Ukraine like the Nazi Reich, although he did encourage the Russian armed forces. He also expressed concern for the people living in the war zone. The fact that Patriarch Kirill did not even mention the Nazi Reich can be heard on the recording of the entire liturgy. The patriarch mentioned fascism only once, saying that they (the Russians) were the ones who broke the backbone of fascism, which would undoubtedly have won in the world had it not been for Russia. In his speech after the liturgy, the Russian Patriarch at no time mentions Ukraine or the Reich, as reported in the texts of the domestic media.
That disinformation was transmitted by many Montenegrin media without checking whether the information was correct or not. Such omissions by online media are common, as such disinformation fits into already existing narratives.
The third disinformation came from the pro-Russian portal in Montenegro, IN4S. In an absurd attempt to make sense of the massacre in Bucha, IN4S publishes disinformation, and the Embassy of the Russian Federation broadcasts it on social networks. The content it continuously publishes is full of sensationalism and disinformation and is directly correlated with the narratives published in Moscow. The Embassy and IN4S claim that in the viral video, which shows the murdered residents of Bucha, there are actors and not corpses and that one of them is moving his hand. The video makes it straightforward to determine that it is a reflection/drop of water from the windshield. This is just one in a series of disinformation from this portal, which continues to echo Russian media in Montenegro, glorifying Russian aggression and belittling Ukrainian victims.