After the constitutive session of the Parliament of Montenegro, a false edited video of the intonation of the state anthem appeared on social media.
The video posted by Facebook page Српска ЧАСТ + Srpska ČAST is not authentic since the original interpretation of the anthem Oh Bright Down of May performed by the Music School Vasa Pavic from Podgorica was replaced by a song Oh, Bright Dawn of Heroism in the interpretation of Danica Crnogorcevic in a montage. The same song was performed by Crnogorcevic during the processions following the adoption of the Law on Freedom of Religion and Belief. One of these videos, from the procession held in Podgorica in February this year, is available on YouTube.
In a description on the page Српска ЧАСТ + Srpska ČAST, it is stated that this is new Montenegro; we are spreading love, not hate, so share and sing. The video was posted on September 23 and soon became viral on Facebook, but only the day after, it cannot be found on the mentioned page. Even though it is not available on Facebook anymore, the video was downloaded and posted on Twitter by the user @vasic_kim. On his account, the video has more than 24k views.
Music School Vasa Pavic reacted to this false post.
I want this indecent, unpleasant, and unprofessional montage that caused much discomfort to me and my colleagues to be revealed. That is why it is so important to debunk such content as soon as possible, said Zoja Djurovic, the Director of the School, for the Digital Forensic Center.